Dig, fill, splash and pour

Children love to explore and experiment with sand and water. It’s undeniably an enjoyable activity to extend and challenge children’s learning.

Sand and water play areas provide brilliant opportunities for children to practice cooperative play and sharing. Also, they provide a sensory experience as they enjoy manipulating the fluid materials.

“It was really great to sit down with Playcubed. They have lots of ideas, lots of really exciting apparatus that we could incorporate. The best thing is that they’re experienced – they have experience in creating the most amazing environments for pupils. The children love their new playground. They can’t wait to get into school in the morning and come out to play!”

Sarah Roscoe
Head Teacher at The Rise School

Promoting development

Playing with sand and water promote physical development. As children dig, pour, sift, scoop, splash, they develop their large muscle range. Hand-eye coordination and small muscle control improve as children learn to manipulate sand and water accessories. They are also practicing eye-hand coordination.

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Encourage cooperation

Playing with sand and water promotes social skills as well. Children learn to cooperate, share, negotiate and play together.

In fact, we can even introduce maths and science concepts and help them develop during sand and water play. With measuring spoons and cups, different size containers, weighing scales, many lessons can be learned in a very fun way!

Language development will be enhanced in addition to new vocabulary such as sieve, stream, pour, stir etc all making sense through practical play.

playcubed, Valley Provincial, inclusive playground, sand and water play, nature and sensory play area, creative playground design, sensory play area, nature play area, bespoke playground design

Some of our Sand & Water Play projects

See just some of our playground projects that have incorporated sand and water in their design.

Some of our clients

Aragon Primary School
Holy Trinty School, Bespoke Playground Design by Playcubed
Waverley School
The Rise School

Want to know more?

Talk to us about your bespoke school play area design & installation.

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